Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to Get More (Time) with Less (Part 1 of 2)

Back when I was a production operations manager for the USAF C-17, I worked for a real spunky manager named Dennis. I enjoyed working for him because he would always call it like it was. He was definitely not into sugar coating anything. One day he described me as a great 99 yard player, but my downfall was my inability to put the closing touches on projects (and thus put the ball in the end zone). I was devastated and basically saw myself as a failure. Thankfully I was able to use his criticism to launch myself in a different direction and become more effective at getting things done.

Many years have passed, with new lessons learned since then and I still obsess on how to be more effective. I want to share some of what has worked for me. You’ve probably heard a lot on multi-tasking, making daily/weekly lists, and planning out all of your goals. If you’ve read this blog before, you’ve heard it directly from this horse’s mouth. Well, today I need you to focus on your short falls. We’re all human, so don’t hold back from being honest with yourself. Let’s find out why you aren’t getting everything crossed off your to do list each day.

Between today and tomorrow, I want you to jot down some notes. This will require you to make a list either on paper or your smart phone. If you put it on your phone, set reminders or else it will be out of sight, out of mind. Here is what I want you to capture:

• When your work day ends make a list of what you didn’t finish today.
• Then list why those items didn’t happen today.
• Tonight before you go to sleep, make a list of what personal items you didn’t finish today.
•Once again, determine why it didn’t happen.
•Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 based on your level of satisfaction with what you accomplished (1 is completely disgusted and 10 is very satisfied).
• Repeat this again tomorrow at the end of the work day and before you go to sleep.

This will only work if you are honest with yourself. The image below is my list from yesterday. In the next post (two days from now), I’m going to show you what to do with your list. Share some of your reasons for not getting things done in the comment section.


Unknown said...

My top 3 reasons for not getting things done at home after work:

1) I'm exhausted. I decide to "relax" for "just a few minutes" with facebook or the tv.
Result: 1-2 hours of mindless internet surfing & channel flipping. Late bedtime. Exhausted (late) morning. And there begins the cycle...

2) I run out of time. I've actually got some energy, but I have too much on my to-do list (fallen behind, due to reason #1 above). I knock things out, one after another, then midnight rolls..."just one more" thing then I'll go to bed.
Result: late bedtime. All items still not done. Exhausted (late) morning. Cycle begins again...

3)Roomate chit-chat. Now this isn't all her fault, it's my choice too. She's fun to chat with, and a great friend. The problem comes when one of us begins to chat, and before I know it 1 hour (or more!) has gone by!! But I still have things to do so I stay up late.
Result: late bedtime. All items still not done. Exhausted (late) morning. Cycle begins again...

Danimal said...

#1 reason for me not doing my personal to-do list items? Remodeling sucks.

Why is "hanging out with Danielle" not on your daily list of goals?